Klana - The Pleasure Alchemist

Coach für Empowerment, Energy Healing & Bodywork

Joy, Happiness & Inner Peace

With this 90 day transformation program you will BE more satisfied and live a life with

freedom, ease, harmony and abundance.

What would you change if you had 90 days of full support and guidance - energetically, intuitively, spiritually, mentally, sensually and physically?

Maybe you already have a vision and a mission, or you're on your way to discovering what that is for you. You know you want a change in your life.

However, resistance and old belief patterns keep surfacing and holding you back. Your mind and emotions prevent you from following your dreams and desires and creating the success you so long for. I know all this so well from my own experience.

Now it's time to shine in full glory!

All your dreams are already on their way.

You just need a new perspective.

Don't give up.

You are so close.

Often everything needs to be shaken up or even fall apart before something new and wonderful can emerge.

Are you:

Unclear about who you are or what you really want?

Unable to make decisions?

Paralyzed, you're stuck?

Overwhelmed by all your tasks?

Trapped in unhealthy habits and limiting beliefs?

You love neither yourself nor your body?

I help you...

Identify what's holding you back

Find your own path towards success.

Eliminate the things that no longer serve you.

Change the way you think.

Deal with feelings of being overwhelmed, feeling powerless and helpless.

Manage your energy.

Reconnect with your body and yourself.

Bring more joy, pleasure and lightness into your life.

Stay on track and create the success you desire and deserve.

Say goodbye to the dramas that cause chaos and keep you from what you want to do.

You will receive a customized program where I bring all my experience as a woman, life coach, intuitive, healer, communication trainer and certified Sexological Bodyworker.

I will work holistically with you to help you attract the right people and opportunities, stay healthy, and live the life of harmony and abundance you desire.

My personal path serves you on your journey as I share with you:

How I walked into the complete unknown when I quit my well-paying corporate job, left my home country to move to a vacation island to start my own business. Since then, I have not been without a coach by my side to help me build this new lifestyle of freedom and joy.
How I took control of my life and my own healing and how I helped others do the same.
How I manage energy and emotions.
How I learned to communicate better so that my relationships are more harmonious.
How I said goodbye to perfectionism and feel freer than ever before.
How I learned to finally love myself and my body in my fifties.

It is important to start INSIDE, to do the inner work first. Then you have a solid foundation from which to create everything else.

Start wherever you are.      Choose your own tempo.      Choose your focus.
This program is customized for you.

One of my gifts is to create a safe and sacred space. 

Use that and let me be at your service.


You have the gift to put everything in the right light. It calms my nervous system and I become lighter again. Even if I feel like crying. My thoughts no longer spin in circles and I see the possibilities again.

Sonja, Berlin


Klana has seen through my "stuff" and directed me to clarity and simplicity. I am learning how to keep calm and be in action - thank you so much!

John, England

What I really appreciate about Klana's work is that she listens very closely to my concerns, needs and issues.

A great enrichment is to perceive more what I really want and to communicate that to the other person.

Claudia, Munich


The course has brought me to be myself. Now I know what I am passionate about, what I enjoy and where I want to go in my life.
That's why I think that what you do is so important for the world and that it can be applied to any age.

I am much more present. Life becomes more fulfilling when you live from that point.

Nina, England

With her humorous, relaxed manner, Klana asks the right questions that quickly lead me to the essentials - What do I really want? Once there, she lovingly but firmly takes me by the hand to define the first steps on the path to realizing my goals.
With her help, I am able to explore even unconventional ideas and try them out playfully.
Klana creates a space in which you can feel that many things are possible. She stands by your side instead of giving advice from above, but still works in a highly professional way. After the sessions with Klana I am always very inspired and full of energy. Highly recommended!

Eva, Berlin

I have been working intensively with personal development and bodywork for 13 years. A unique combination of experience, training and my talents makes it possible to support you in this way.

I want you to be in your greatness and live the happy abundant life you desire!

Are you ready to take action and do your inner work?

I am here to support you in this transformation.

Why 90 days?

In 90 days you can make profound changes in your life. Identify your goal and find the best ways to achieve it. Try things out and adjust your course to go where you want to go. I will guide you along the way and provide valuable feedback and information. Don't let your life be determined by others and circumstances. Design and create your life with purpose and determination.

Are you committed to yourself?

As you leave your present experiences behind and develop new ways of being, doing and having, you must be very conscious so that you do not fall back into the old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. You will work on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to integrate all of these adjustments.

Here's how it works:

1. Weekly private online Coaching Call with me via zoom or on the phone Telefon (12 x)

2. 12 personal quick check-ins as needed

3. Online access to additional material, including my personal success library, during your coaching program

4. E-mail / WhatsApp - access to me during your coaching program

If this sounds like you, give me a call and we can discuss the details.

Not quite sure yet? Then book a free Discovery Session in which we determine what your best next step is to get where you want to go.

Phone: +49 1578 480 43 44                Email: klana@klana.tv

I look forward to accompanying you on this special and exciting experience.



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