Emily Dalsfoist is an unfolding human being, musician, ceremonialist, witch, yoga instructor, lover and student of Mother Nature and all her children. From a very young age, Emily has used sound, her voice, body and musical instruments to connect with herself, Spirit and other beings more deeply. She is interested in voice and vibrations as a path to healing and awakening and the intersection of music, Yoga and the work of social justice.
We covered
* Ham Yum & the Hims
* We are not just one thing
* How Emily brings her various talents together to an innovative offer for her local clients
* That she eventually acknowledged all the mystical parts of hers in her life
* Emily gives us examples of the ceremonies she is holding for others and for herself
* How important it is to connect with your body
* How Emily herself uses music to transform unpleasant feelings into something beautiful
* Allowing all her complexity to be seen is deliberating
Connect with us
Website: https://www.emilydalsfoist.com
Website: http://hamyamandthehims.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emily.dalsfoist/
You can listen to and buy her music here: https://syran.bandcamp.com
Website: https://klana.us
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/klana-the-pleasure-alchemist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Klana.tv
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/klanatv